"Guy's Night Out"
“Guy’s Night Out”
Carpenter was the biggest influencer there was on all social media platforms –
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. At twenty-five years old, she was already
worth half a million dollars, owning her own beachside mansion in Miami. She
was a blonde with striking features: full lips, an hourglass figure that always
showed through the tight red dresses she owned, and sparkling blue eyes.
friends, Kim and Alana, were just as much the same. Kim was just a year
younger; a Korean-American girl with olive skin that she always kept
moisturized and tanned, and hair that was long, straight, and black. Alana was
the youngest of the three; a fresh-faced brunette, she was beautiful by nature,
requiring very little makeup or skin care products.
were just as popular among the social media crowd, but Sheila had the most
followers, particularly on TikTok. In fact, she just finished uploading the
latest video she recorded that night at Applebee’s, where they were having
dinner. “Whaddup, ya’ll!” She screeched in the video, high on positive energy.
“It’s yo girl, comin’ at cha from AB’s! ‘Cause ya’ll know we be fancy like!”
She threw in the Walker Hayes song as background music, hoping that it wouldn’t
get removed along with the rest of the sound, due to copyright.
video was only a couple of minutes long, basically a shout-out video with Kim
and Alana in the back, whooping along with her. They were definitely the
loudest patrons in the place, which was mostly made up of families that Friday
evening. But the three girlfriends didn’t care who they annoyed, as long as
they had fun and ate delicious food. Sheila had quite the attractive burger and
fries sitting on her plate.
took a quick snap of it on her phone and uploaded it to her Instagram, when a
notification suddenly pinged onscreen. It alerted her that her TikTok video
received 20,000 likes with 900 comments in just a few minutes. She squealed
with excitement; it was the most attention she had gotten on a single post in
the last week. She switched from her Instagram over to TikTok in a few swipes.
comments mostly complimented how good Sheila, Kim, and Alana all looked.
A few
bot comments here and there, trying to get them into some pathetic scams.
even shared their own experiences at Applebee’s, good and bad.
she kept scrolling, the comments suddenly went from positive to negative, much
to Sheila’s displeasure. There were criticisms of her loud, brash behavior in a
family venue, telling her to “Shut up!” or “Get out! People are trying to eat!
Not listen to your loud mouth!” Those didn’t really bother her, as it was
merely trolls. It was the ones that labeled her as “shallow” and “selfish” that
were really upsetting.
wrong, Shell?” Kim asked, halfway into her bowl of noodles.
you look mad,” Alana noted, just about to dig into her tuna sandwich.
because I am!” Sheila snapped. She shared the comments with them,
hovering her phone over their meals and in front of their faces. “Look at all
these hateful comments I’m getting!”
just basement-dwellers, hon,” Kim said. “Don’t pay them any attention.”
but ‘shallow’ and ‘selfish’?” Sheila griped, swiping through more comments.
“This one dude is comparing me to Amouranth!”
cringed. “Oooh! Now that’s hurtful!”
is ridiculous!” Sheila slammed her phone on the table. The family sitting at
the booth adjacent to theirs slightly turned upon her outburst. The father and
mother were unhappy, whereas their two pre-adolescent boys were giggling.
suddenly came a knock on the window where the girls were seated.
came from a homeless man with a scruffy brown beard and shaggy hair of the same
color. He was dressed in a tattered orange coat with cotton poking out from the
seams, a stained plaid shirt, and ripped denim jeans that sagged. He smiled
directly at Sheila, Kim, Alana while holding a cardboard sign that read, “Spare
a bite or some change?”
“Oh, dangit!”
Kim groaned with disgust. “This is the fifth time tonight this dude’s
bothered us!” Luckily, an Applebee’s waiter was passing by just at the right
moment. “Excuse me?” Kim summoned him. The young man responded right away,
walking up to their booth. Kim gestured to the homeless man leering through the
window and reported, “This guy’s been disrupting our meal all night. Can you
get the manager or somebody to just…you know…?”
young waiter caught her drift and left immediately to handle the situation
himself. He stepped outside and shooed the homeless man away from the window.
Kim and Alana gave a satisfactory applause, returning to their meals not a
second after. Sheila, on the other hand, kept her eyes on the vagrant, watching
as he went across the street and sat on a wooden crate in a dark, disused
regarded his pitiful condition, an idea forming in her mind.
warning, she got up from the booth, taking her barely-touched burger and fries
along with her. Kim and Alana were as confused as they were surprised to see
her leave, taking her meal to go in a doggy bag. “What the heck is she doing?”
Kim asked, though Alana could only shrug in reply.
saw her through the window of their booth, rushing across the street and
approaching the homeless man. “Oh, no, honey!” Alana cried, despite Sheila
being too far away to hear her plea. “Please don’t do what I think you’re
handed the doggy bag to the beggar and then took out her phone.
she…?” Before Kim could finish, both her phone and Alana’s pinged – a
notification for a live video on Sheila’s TikTok. Reluctantly, they both
pressed the banner and were instantly taken to the feed.
Sheila was, hovering over the homeless man as he consumed the burger and fries,
barely paying any mind to the fact that Sheila was streaming his consumption to
her million followers. “Whaddup, ya’ll! It’s yo girl again! So, I saw some
people in the comments callin’ me out, saying how I’m ‘shallow’ and ‘selfish’.
Well, I’ve got sumthin’ for ya’ll.” She turned to the homeless man and asked,
“Sir, what’s your name?”
vagrant gazed up; bits of food stuck in his beard. “Guy,” he belched.
Sheila returned to the camera. “Over the next two days, I am personally gonna
change Guy’s life by giving him what I like to call a ‘20K Makeover’! Now,
you’re probably asking, ‘WTH is a 20K Makeover?’ That’s where me and my friends
– Kim and Alana – are gonna spend up to $20,000 of our hard-earned cash making
Guy here look like a million’s worth of that!”
Kim choked on her soda, hearing this announcement.
Alana and Kim certainly didn’t
see this night going the direction it went in, after Sheila’s spontaneous
announcement. The girls returned to the mansion – with Guy in tow – and while
he made himself at home (at Sheila’s insistence), the girls had a private
discussion upstairs in Sheila’s bedroom.
you outta your flippin’ mind, girl?!” Kim confronted her. “You and Alana may’ve
earned most of your cheques shakin’ your bodies on a webcam, but I actually
work outside of my Twitch streams! And, lemme tell ya, it ain’t easy earnin’ a
livin’ as a Korean woman in a redneck state!”
aren’t that many rednecks in Miami, Kim,” Alana innocently stated.
my point, Alana!” Kim stormed.
wasn’t even gonna involve either of you in this,” Sheila confessed. “And then I
read some of what they were saying about ya’ll.”
piqued Kim and Alan’s interest. Sheila showed them the comments that were left
in regards to them. Alana was unsettled by the criticism of her looks,
describing her as “pale” and needing to cover up the supposed “acne” on her
face. Kim was the target of some blatant racism that poked fun at her slanted
eyes, mislabeling her with jokes about China or Japan.
It was all enough for both girls to comply.
“Alright,” Kim made it official. “We’re in on your Pretty
Woman project.”
“It’s more Cinderella than Pretty Woman,”
Sheila clarified.
The first stages of Guy’s
makeover – shower and new clothes – brought out some of the best in him. With a
clean, pressed suit and tie, he looked more dignified and respectable. His
posture straightened, making him taller than he looked when the girls first found
him outside Applebee’s.
the real big change occurred once Guy received a shave and a haircut.
was the only one there at the barbershop to witness how different he looked –
like an entirely new man. Underneath that beard and shaggy hair was a
thirty-something, Robert Pattison-type. Sheila could’ve sworn she even saw his
skin sparkle like diamonds…or she could’ve just imagined that part.
do I look?” he asked after the barber spun him around to face her.
couldn’t put into words how she felt that moment. Her heart raced and her whole
body went numb. Guy – this new version of him – was a masterpiece. And Sheila
wanted him all to herself.
two-day deadline passed, but it expanded into two weeks and then a month.
became $50,000 – and that became $100,000.
was spending her money, as well as Kim and Alana’s, on extravagant gifts for
Guy, such as a Ferrari and a gold watch. He got even more suits from the
collection of Giorgio Armani. She even put in a photo shoot to immortalize
Guy’s newfound beauty in photographs that she hung around her mansion.
had become obsessed.
night, she treated Guy to a candlelit dinner in her backyard. She arranged for
the dinner to be prepared by actual cooks from Applebee’s and tended by their
waiters. Sheila paid them to be there for only the hour, returning to the
restaurant soon after the dinner – burgers and fries – was served.
know what to say, Sheila,” an overwhelmed Guy said.
say anything, hon,” Sheila insisted. “Let me be the one to pop the
question.” She got up from their table and got down on one knee beside him,
holding a small purple-and-gold case. “Guy? Will you…?”
Sheila?” Guy quickly interjected. “It’s a little too soon for marriage, don’t
you think?”
frowned. “Marriage? No! All I was gonna ask was that you move into my mansion.”
She opened the case, revealing a golden key and not the wedding ring Guy
thought it was.
happy moment was interrupted with the arrival of Kim and Alana. Guy and Sheila
saw them walk out onto the terrace through the sliding door. Both women looked
extremely peeved.
you two doing here?” Sheila asked them.
scoffed. “What’re we doing?! What are you doing, Shell?!”
maxed out our credit cards!” Alana roared. “Our accounts are dried up!”
shook her head negatively. “No, no. That can’t be right. I…I only spent
$20,000, remember?”
look at your checkbook again, honey,” Kim said. “You spent $750,600 on this
guy, Guy!” She pointed at Guy with an aggression none of the girls
expressed towards him until that moment. “And you wanna know the kicker? Our
buddy, Guy, isn’t who we thought he was!”
Guy is really—”
Kim and Alana’s eyes turned white and lifeless as they rolled back, and their
bodies thudded to the terrace. The whole thing happened so fast that it took
Sheila a minute to process it all. As soon as she did, she let out a horrified
She barely heard Guy call out to her in an eerily calm voice. “Sheila, I’m
gonna need you to shut up for me, O.K.?” Wondering why he was so calm,
she looked to him…only to stare down the barrel of the handgun he had aimed at
her head.
first thought was that he was the one who did it – he shot and killed her
friends in cold blood. “Wh…Why?” she whimpered.
Guy’s face twisted in disbelief. “How could you even ask me that after all
you’ve done? To me? To them?!” He nodded towards the dead bodies of Kim
and Alana. “It’s about time self-centered girls like you got what was coming to
Sheila fought to get the words past her quivering lips. “I love you.”
loved me after you cleaned me up. I was nothing but a pity project to
you and your soulless friends!”
could no longer take it. His finger hugged the trigger, desperately wanting to
fire. Sheila saw the burning anticipation on his face and knew this was it –
she was about to die. She shut her eyes, bracing herself. She imagined what the
pain would be like. Would she even feel the bullet? Or would it be quick and
more than a few seconds, she was still wondering.
then, she heard Guy meekly grunt, “Go.”
said go!” He howled. “Get outta here before I change my mind!”
yet grateful, Sheila made her way towards the sliding door. She had to
carefully step around Kim and Alana’s bodies just to get to it. But, before she
went any further, she turned to Guy one last time and kissed him on the lips.
It caught him completely by surprise. Here was a girl he was only seconds from
killing, and she still gave into her urges, even with her friends lying
dead nearby.
the long, passionate kiss, Sheila proceeded with her escape.
hand barely got to the sliding door handle before she felt a sudden sting in the
back of her head. The last thing she saw was her own face reflected in the
door, frozen in a state of shock, before her entire body shattered through the
glass and thudded to the floor of her living room.
death stunned Guy, who continued uselessly holding his handgun.
didn’t fire it once, not on Sheila or even on Kim or Alana.
real culprit of the girls’ deaths was the person Guy immediately called on the
phone Sheila bought for him. He looked across the beach to the crashing waves
in the distance. “The plan was to let her live,” he griped to his associate.
was before she kissed you,” said the cold voice of a woman on the other line.
The woman herself was a raven-haired supermodel in a black bathing suit and
silk black robe that framed her slender body. She stood, twenty miles off the
coast, upon the rear deck of a large, white $10 million yacht, steadily aiming
a sniper rifle towards the mansion of Sheila Carpenter. Through the scope, the
crosshairs were fixed on Guy’s disappointed face. “She had to die, babe. We
don’t want any loose ends.”
Barbara,” Guy accepted. “Just get over here and help with the cleanup, will
course,” Barbara gladly obliged, packing away her rifle. “I’m ready to move
into my brand-new mansion with my fresh new fiancée.”
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