"Super Hero"
“Super Hero”
the Los Angeles Bodybuilding Competition in only two months, Sofia Rodriguez
was deep in prep mode. For the past six months, she had undergone a strict
training regimen. Every day was a body part she focused on – biceps, chest,
abdominals, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and thighs. Every muscle got exactly as
tight and toned as she wanted. The pain to keep it all together was intense,
but that merely added to her tenacity.
schedule also included daily visits to her local juice shop, “Level Up.” She loathed
the name; it sounded like one of those nerd tropes she hated so much, like
comics and video games. They were a waste on the energy in both mind and body,
an insult to everything Sofia stood for. Regardless, the protein shakes she got
there were astounding. If it weren’t for the nerdy gimmick, Sofia would give
them a five-star review on their Facebook page.
there was also Kenny, Level Up’s number one employee.
was exactly the type of wimp that Level Up attracted by its name – skinny,
pale, acne-riddled, sweaty, and smelly. A typical white boy who looked sixteen
but was in actuality 25 years old, he always flashed his disgusting yellow
teeth, caged by braces, whenever Sofia picked up her shake. Sofia, of course,
smiled right back but refrained from vomiting at the same time. Whatever
fantasies Kenny had about her and him, he might as well leave them as just that
– fantasies.
Sofia had very little time for anyone. Her focus and determination for the
upcoming comp put a bit of a strain on her social life; she even trained alone
in the local gym, refusing to accept any spotters (who always seemed to be
men). The only interaction she was able to maintain was on Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter.
as she despised men ogling at her in public, she didn’t mind so much online,
with her face filtered by different smile emojis. All her followers ever saw was
photos and videos of herself flexing and working out. The comments she received
were noticeably lewd. She would block anyone who dared to post them. The girls
praised her physique, offering words of encouragement.
day, when she was in the right mood, she responded to one guy on Facebook who
commented with, “You are a real superhero!” She
returned with a simple “Thanks!” and tried to leave the conversation at that.
However, the commenter (whose username was “MarvelousOne92”) attempted to drum
up a lengthy conversation in her DMs, pestering her with questions about comics
– none of which Sofia had any knowledge of nor even cared about.
have to go to bed,” she parted with in a late-night DM, her final one to
MarvelousOne92, hoping that he would get the hint.
through the following days, MarvelousOne92 persisted in harassing Sofia, distracting
her from prep and throwing off her regimen. After all this stress, she made the
logical decision of blocking him from all three of her accounts permanently.
For added measure, she broke from social media for the remaining weeks prior to
her comp.
day before the big event, something unusual happened at the gym: Sofia benched ten
times her limit.
caused the bench itself to buckle and collapse from the incredible weight. The
bar landed directly on her chest, applying life-sucking pressure to the area. Due
to the closing hours in which she was training, no one was available to aid
her. But that help didn’t appear to be needed once she managed to lift the
entire 900lbs off her body and throw it aside with a loud metallic SLAM!
just happened?!” Sofia gasped to no one but herself.
was amazed to discover that she sustained no injuries from the ordeal – not a
single broken rib, punctured lung, or contusion on her skin.
to ignore the bizarre circumstance, she returned home to rest.
the course of the bodybuilding competition, Sofia impressed the judges with her
remarkable physique. She was up against some heavy hitters in her class,
including Rosie Anderson, a sixty-something black woman who looked far more
shredded than Sofia. This was Rosie’s 20th time onstage, making herself a
legend among the bodybuilding community. And even she was impressed by
Sofia’s hard work.
your secret, hon?” she asked her while they were backstage one day.
just shrugged and said, “Lots of protein shakes and dedication.”
judges awarded Sofia with first place, which the other women in their class
considered quite the upset for Rosie, who was certain to go home with the
trophy. Luckily, it was decided that she would receive second place, in addition
to a special “Lifetime Achievement” trophy that was as shiny and gold as the
one Sofia won.
her victory alone with her only cheat meal from Burger King, Sofia walked out
of the restaurant and towards the back where her Dodge Ram was parked. It was a
big enough vehicle for a big enough woman like herself, though climbing into it
was a workout in itself.
She heard a timid voice call out her name – or a variant of it that she didn’t
necessarily approve of. Shifting her focus away from the driver’s side of her
Dodge Ram, she was surprised to see Kenny standing underneath the one lit spot
in the dark backend area. From what Sofia was able to make of him, he still had
on his flashy, retro Level Up uniform, including the cap that covered his long,
messy brown hair.
Sofia called back. “Did…Did you follow me here?” That was the immediate
conclusion she jumped to. It was a plausible one to her, considering no one
else knew she’d be there.
than deny or confirm her suspicion, Kenny avoided the question and shakily
said, “You did great on that stage. You are a real superhero!”
words struck her very core. They were the exact ones used by…
she realized aloud. “You’re MarvelousOne92!”
Kenny beamed with a giddy snort. “B-But you wanna know the real
surprise? Those protein shakes you always get every day at Level Up? I’ve been
sneaking in an experimental supplement into all of them.” He burst out a wild,
maniac chortle. “It’s so great! I made it myself! And you downed dose-after-dose
in the last seven months! And the results have certainly shown – I mean, look
at you! Heightened strength and endurance… just like in the comics!”
overwhelmed Sofia as she heard this. “You…!” she grunted furiously. “You drugged
you?” Kenny reacted, visibly offended. “How ‘bout a little gratitude! I gave
you something that anyone in your position would love to have!
Believe me, I tried it on myself and all I got was—”
was stopped midsentence just as Sofia tackled him to the ground.
wailed on him, one punch after another in the same place: his face.
was pounded into a bloody pulp after the eighteenth hit. Kenny wasn’t breathing
after the fact, which unnerved Sofia. She surely thought she had killed him. Eighty
perfect of his face was caved into his skull. “Oh, no,” she shuddered.
she looked on his lifeless body, she noticed his pancaked face suddenly reforming,
blowing back up like a fleshy balloon. His nose, forehead, eye sockets, and
mouth inflated, returning to their normal shape. A fresh white set of teeth
grew in his mouth, replacing the braced-up yellow ones Sofia busted. Though his
face was still a bloodied mess, all the damages he endured were rapidly healed.
regeneration,” he sputtered. “That’s all I got.”
by this turn of events, Sofia called the police.
was arrested just minutes after the call. The cops had questions about the
blood on his face and Sofia’s hands, so she was brought in as well. The last
thing she heard out of Kenny, as he was hauled in the back of a squad car, was
“Remember me, Sofie! Every time you do, you’ll remember what I put into you!”
words haunted her for every day afterwards.
was unable to perform remedial tasks with her new powers, such as unloading a
dishwater without breaking plates or bending silverware.
a few weeks, she settled on doing some research – on superheroes.
the aftermath of Kenny’s arrest, Level Up went under new management and had
been transformed into a comic book store. There, Sofia did her research,
starting with the few female superheroes that graced the cover of the comics
she once despised before switching over to the male ones.
she was going to be stuck with these powers for the rest of her unnatural life,
she might as well have put them to use. There were more creeps like Kenny
around Los Angeles – and even the rest of the world – threatening and preying
on the helpless women, children, and men. They needed a real
if that superhero was a once-shallow former bodybuilder like Sofia Rodriguez,
then so be it.
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